BMW R1200RT stainless steel upper windshield brackets
$ 75,00
In Stock
The upper windshield brackets on the BMW R1200RT bikes tend to brake, due to the fact that they are too thin for the forces they have to put up with. As a replacement, I have started making these stainless steel (aluminum or anything else will lose it’s nice finish; besides, I have seen some other aftermarket aluminum offers but I don’t really trust that material for this function) brackets that will never fail and will always look shiny on your expensive bike 🙂
The upper windshield brackets on the BMW R1200RT bikes tend to brake, due to the fact that they are too thin for the forces they have to put up with. As a replacement, I have started making these stainless steel (aluminum or anything else will lose it’s nice finish; besides, I have seen some other aftermarket aluminum offers but I don’t really trust that material for this function) brackets that will never fail and will always look shiny on your expensive bike 🙂
They are a direct replacement of OEM BMW part numbers 46637686677 and 46637686678 .
Change yours today, in order to avoid uncomfortable situations in a journey, and if you consider changing the OEM windshield on your RT, these are a must have!
Please note that there is a 15% partial refund if you get both the upper and lower windshield arms!
Installing them on the bike is pretty easy, you just need to remove the windshield, mirrors and the dash cover.
(in the meantime, looks like someone made a video about how to fit them)
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